J.M. Griffin & Gail Eastwood: Publishing Options – Which are for you?
Traditionally published, but wondering what it might be like to go indie? Indie published, but thinking your next book might be better suited for a traditional publisher? Not yet published and wishing you had a good grasp of the advantages and disadvantages of each option?
Our March meeting will be a wonderful chance to learn from writers who have gone both routes and lived to tell the tale. Gail Eastwood and J.M. Griffin, hybrid authors, will lead a discussion comparing the ups and downs of traditional and indie publishing. Join us for a rousing and educational conversation!

J.M. Griffin: A traditionally and independently published author, J.M. Griffin has written and published seventeen mystery novels, including the new Jules & Bun series. She’s a member of Mystery Writers of America, Sisters in Crime National and Sisters in Crime New England, and a member of Novelist’s Inc.

Gail Eastwood’s first seven books were published by Signet division of NAL, Penguin, now part of the Penguin Random House publishing conglomerate. During the following decade and more she took off from writing, the entire publishing industry changed. Ebooks and self-publishing offered exciting options that writers never had before. Ready to jump back in, Gail conducted what she calls her “grand experimentâ€, leaving rights to three of her books with Penguin, who wanted to publish them as ebooks and negotiated new contract terms. Gail took back the rights to two others to reissue herself, starting down the hybrid author path. The last two books were left “on the table†to await the experiment results. What happened? Now finishing up her ninth book, she’s happy to share her experience and offer her views on the pros and cons of both sides of the publishing fence.