This is our chance to talk writing, informally, in glorious detail with one another! Really talk craft and any other writing topic you are dying to get input on from your fellow writers.
In addition, and this is optional, we encourage members to bring an item from home (don’t buy anything) for a fun “white elephant” Yankee Swap in honor of the holiday season.
1. Bring something funny, cheesy, indiscriminate, etc. from home that fits in your bag.
2. At the end of our meeting, we’ll conduct our Yankee Swap and let the laughs fly.
3. If you forget to bring your gift, no worries! We’ll give you a toothpick or napkin from the snacks table so you can participate.
For more information about a “white elephant†Yankee Swap, go to https://tinyurl.com/y52znt44